
Edmonton Newborn & family photographer {New Referral rewards}

I'll tell you a secret, running a business is scary. Two and half years ago I left a well paying stable job to become a full time photographer and business owner, and it is the scariest thing I have ever done. While I am so lucky to have an amazing husband that supports our family, we have three girls to take care of and that means I need to help provide for them. Those first six months of my photography business being my sole source of income were racked with sleepless nights and the constant worry no one would ever book me again! Yet every time I worried my email would bing and another family would come calling.  Now almost 2.5 years into my business I can finally sleep a little easier, because of all of the amazing families who not only keep coming back to me year after year, but who always pass my name on to their friends and family. You have all turned my fear into optimism, and I am so thankful to all of the amazing families who trust me to capture their precious memories while giving me the gift of always being there to create memories of my own with my family.

I am happy to announce that beginning April 1, 2017 I will be offering special referral rewards to all of the families who recommend me to their friends and family. For every family you recommend to me after April 1, 2017 that results in a booking you will receive 10% off your next session fee, or a free mini session or mini album for every 6 families that you recommend that result in a booking. So tell your friends about me and make sure they tell me that you sent them! 

My family is getting ready to move to a new home in just over a week, so I have spent the past few weeks trying to capture as much as I can of them in the house we are in now. Here is a little snap shot of the time I get to spend with my girls thanks to all of you. 


2016 {A Year in Review}

Looking back at now the year that was 2016, another year that flew by faster than ever, something that seems to happen when you run a business while raising a family. I was so blessed to capture hundreds of families this past year; first time parents, families welcoming their third or fourth baby, generations of extended families and the amazing families that I get to see every year. Hours spent with your family, in front of my camera on on my computer screen, and the rest spent with my own. If someone would have told me 2.5 years ago that I would have a job that I absolutely loved and that I would get as much time with my family that I wanted I would have laughed. Do I crave more balance, absolutely, but the early mornings, up all nights and none stop of being a mom and running my own business is worth every second because I truly love what I do, and there is always coffee when the days get too long. Looking forward to 2017, I will focus on shooting what I really love, which personally includes a weekly photo challenge that will hopefully end in me finally finishing a 2017 album for my own family. Professionally, I will stay on top of those expenses because leaving them all until the end of the month is not my idea of fun! I will work towards giving all the families that I am lucky to work with in 2017 the best photography experience possible starting with an updated website that will answer all of your questions, and finishing with more options including custom album design options once you receive your photos {that you will continue to receive as high resolution digitals}. Most of all I want to go into every session ready to get to know your family and give you meaningful photos that speak to the unique beauty of your family. To end, here are just some of my favorite shots of 2016, personal and professional. You can find more professional favorites in my updated galleries.

Wishing you all the best in 2017. Happy New Year. {K}

Edmonton Lifestyle Family Photographer {Click Away 2016} Renewed and Inspired

This past weekend I travelled to Seattle to take in my first Click Away, an amazing conference that celebrates women, and for the most part mom photographers, and provides three days of immense knowledge from some of the most talented photographers from around the world. To say I came away inspired would be an understatement. I learned so many technical things that I can't wait to incorporate into my sessions, but most of all I left with a renewed focus on my photography business and what I need to do make sure that I can continue to do this job I love and deliver the best experience to all the families I am lucky to meet.

My renewed focus really has me thinking what is it I love to do, and what am I best at? I have always loved capturing the authentic - connections, love, the real you and your real family. When I go back and look at all of the photos I have taken the ones that I love the most aren't the posed, smile at the camera moments, but ones like a mother breathing in her sweet baby, families smiling and laughing together, the candid moments that are truly a moment in time. I love coming into your homes and seeing how your family ticks and acting as a keeper of memories for you, not just the smiles, but all the in betweens. I love seeing a way a mother holds her child close, or how a dad makes his kids laugh. The photos I take should never be about me and my vision, it should all be you, the real you, your family, not me.

Will I continue to guide you through sessions, absolutely, but will I take a step back and let your family shine for who they really are and in turn give you photos that aren't just pretty but that make you feel something? Truly do my job as a keeper of your precious memories? The answer is yes and I can't wait to dive into my sessions with this renewed sense of focus and purpose and give you photos that will truly mean something to you. 

I'll end with some of my favorite moments in Seattle. 


Kelsie Kelly {Photographer} in Disneyland

After what has been an insanely busy year for our family, we were so looking forward to surprising our three girls with a trip to Disneyland during the first week of school - our favorite time to go. We spent a fun-filled 7 days between Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure Parks. We enjoyed the hot sun, fast rides, delicious food and met so many princesses and characters much to delight of my girls. The quality time we got to spend together as a family though was the best part.  Sure our feet were killing us by the end of each day, and dinners usually included a few meltdowns, but Disney with three kids was more fun than we imagined and we can't wait to go back in a few years once my littlest is tall enough to join us on some rides. Here are a few of the over thousand photos I took, my favorite moments from our trip. Want some tips for your next Disney trip? Be sure to ask me at our next session together! Now looking forward to a busy fall meeting so many new faces and seeing so many friends. Enjoy. {K}

Year One

One year ago I embarked on my dream of becoming a full time photographer. Photography was always a passion of mine and I had been avidly practising for more than ten years, so I didn't ever question my ability to be a photographer, but putting yourself out there as a business is a huge step and a scary one. Luckily I started out with an incredible support system that included my amazing husband who always encourages me and so many friends and family who were willing to be the very first families that I captured as Kelsie Kelly {Photographer}. 

At the time I had a four month old baby girl (keeping me up all night) along with two older daughters, so juggling a new business and family definitely took some time to get used to. In the end though, I get to spend more time with my girls than I ever did before, and I can always put them first which makes all the hard work and late nights so worth it. 

One year later and I can happily say my business is thriving thanks to so many amazing families who have trusted me to capture their precious memories. I feel so lucky to get to do something I love and am passionate about everyday and it is all thanks to you. Thank you for your amazing support. I look forward to capturing your beautiful families for many more years to come. 

Love {K}