Kelsie Kelly Photographer

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Edmonton Family Photographer {H Family} Sneak Peek

This year one of my biggest goals this year was to try and find balance, and most of all to be present for my girls every day. Last year I shot over 100 sessions and by December I was completely depleted and wondering how on earth the year went by so fast. So far this year I have set aside specific times a day for editing, so that I am never stuck in front of my computer for 12 hours straight. Also because I raised my pricing to a sustainable level, you can see my 2018 pricing here, I have been able to take on a number of sessions per month that let me support my family financially but also give me the flexibility I need to be present for my girls. Two weeks in and I have found time to work out again, I have spent quality time with my family everyday and I have my new home studio space all planned out  -  I have never felt better. Sneak peeks might take a little longer, blog posts a bit later, and three-four weeks might become the standard turn around time, but know that you will be dealing with a much more pleasant  and attentive photographer who isn't running on empty anymore. 

I have been photographing this wonderful family for the past three years and I was so happy when they won my last family session giveaway - it seriously couldn't have gone to a more deserving family. This year, each grand mother joined us and we ended up with the most beautiful winter day, it couldn't have been more perfect, I mean the light was just gorgeous. H Family, it is always such a pleasure, thank you for choosing me to be your family photographer. Enjoy. {K}

See this Instagram gallery in the original post