Kelsie Kelly Photographer

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Edmonton Newborn Photographer {Baby Simon} Sneak Peek

Barely two weeks into the year and I can't believe how fast my year is already booking up. Newborns and families booked into June, plus a new teaching schedule, family vacations and everything else in between. If you are looking to book a weekend family session this summer, I would definitely suggest booking sooner than later - those tend to book up just as fast as the parks Canada campsites do! And if you are expecting this spring or summer, or even sometime in February, booking early ensures that I can fit you in, I only take on 4-5 newborn sessions a month, just 3 over our busy summer months. If you were lucky enough to get a gift certificate this Christmas, I would also recommend booking as soon as possible. Fall is by far my busiest time of year, and I am hoping to make booking your fall family photos as easy as possible with a new feature on my website, watch for more about that this summer. As always, thank you all so much for the amazing support. I feel so blessed everyday to get to do a job that I love and I am so excited to have another successful year. 

Sweet little Simon was my last newborn born in 2017, but with the rush of Christmas we waited to do his newborn session in the new year. I was greeted my the most friendly big brother and sister as soon as I arrived who were so excited to tell me all about their Christmas.  Everyone was so laid back that our session flowed so effortlessly, family photos, photos of mom and dad with Simon and some posed photos of Simon in the most gorgeous natural light. Simon was definitely more pleased being all wrapped up, and he slept like an angel once he was. Families of five or more are becoming favourites of mine, probably because they remind me of my own, but mostly because there is nothing like watching older siblings look at their new baby brother of sister with so much love, it melts my heart every time. Pam and Daniel, thank you so much for inviting me into your beautiful home to capture this special time for your family. Wishing you all the best. Enjoy. {K} 

See this Instagram gallery in the original post